Projects: 10
I am a UI/UX designer and developer from India, born in America.
I am 17 years old, and started coding at the age of 14. I love making things on my own and learning through projects.
Projects: 10
Projects: 10
Projects: 10
Projects: 10
Projects: 4
Projects: 4
Projects: 5
Projects: 2
Projects: 4
Projects: 2
Projects: 2
Projects: 2
Projects: 1
Projects: 1
Giving Love to Your Spotify Playlists
Info about the Project
A. Tech Stack
1. Frontend
Next JS: It is the base for this project, used for the frontend and backend.
2. Database
Pocketbase: It is the database for this project and also used for authentication.
3. Styling
Tailwind: It is used for the styling of the project.
B. Design
Modern Fusion
The site has a modern and simplistic light mode design, with a slight new brutalist style. There are also themes you can choose, like pixel and neo brutalism.
C. About
Vibeify is a web app that allows you to customize your Spotify playlists and make them unique to you. You can give your playlists a custom design, custom links, etc. Vibeify also has features to compare two playlists and split a playlist into selected genres with the help of AI.
D. Stats
: 12
Has Go backend
Time taken
: 3 months
Uses AI
AI Game to Guess Fake or Real Words
Info about the Project
A. Tech Stack
1. Frontend
Next JS: It is used for the frontend.
2. Backend
Go: It is used for the backend and cron jobs.
3. Helper
Open AI: It is used for validating and generating words.
4. Styling
Tailwind: It is used for styling.
B. Design
Pixelated Asset Heavy
This site has an entirely pixelated design with the use of pixelated assets. The site has a lot of contrasting colors and no clear primary palette.
C. About
Sense or Nonsense is a web game that allows you to practice your English skills. It will show you a word and its definition, and you have to guess if the word is fake or not. The words are generated based on a selected difficulty level. Additional features like a leaderboard and a timer are also available.
D. Stats
: 18
Uses AI
Has Go backend
Time taken
: 5 months
Custom Emojis for Discord, for Free.
Info about the Project
A. Tech Stack
1. Frontend
Next JS: It is used for the frontend and backend.
2. Backend
DiscordJS: It is used for interacting with the Discord API.
3. Styling
Tailwind: It is used for styling.
B. Design
Neo Brutalism Pocket
This site has a very intense neo-brutalist design with an emphasis on vibrant colors. The site has a pocket feel with compact components placed together.
C. About
Imagee is a web app that allows you to upload custom emojis to be used in Discord. The site has reverse-engineered how Discord displays images and will try its best to match a normal custom emoji.
D. Stats
: 13
Discord Bot
Time taken
: 2 months
Discover. Explore. Stay Informed.
Info about the Project
A. Tech Stack
1. Frontend
Next JS: It is used for the frontend and backend.
2. Backend
News API: It is used to fetch news articles.
3. Styling
Tailwind: It is used for styling.
B. Design
Modern Dark
A modern site with a dark background and an asset-rich design. The site has a clean and simple layout with a focus on the content. A sharp red color is used for emphasis.
C. About
News Nest is a web app that hosts news articles from reputable news sources. You can save articles, view more about them, etc. There are sections for different topics, countries, and even live news.
D. Stats
: 18
Has Go backend
Time taken
: 4 months
Savor. Create. Inspire.
Info about the Project
A. Tech Stack
1. Frontend
Next JS: It is used for the frontend and backend.
2. Backend
Open AI: It is used for generating recipes and suggestions.
3. Styling
Tailwind: It is used for styling.
B. Design
Modern Asset Focused
With large assets and minimal usage of text, this site has a lively feel. The site uses images to describe and detail different sections of the site.
C. About
Gourmet Gusto is a web app that allows you to access food recipes. There are two ways to access recipes: by searching for one or by adding ingredients, which we then use to generate a recipe.
D. Stats
: 8
Uses AI
Time taken
: 1 month
An App to Manage Your Tasks
Info about the Project
A. Tech Stack
1. Frontend
Next JS: It is used for the frontend and backend.
2. Backend
MySQL: It is used as the database.
3. Styling
Tailwind: It is used for styling.
B. Design
Monochromatic Minimalist
A minimalistic design with a monochromatic color scheme and simple highlights. The site has a clean and simple layout with a focus on the content.
C. About
Taskation is a web app that allows you to manage your tasks. You can add tasks, mark them as completed, delete them, etc. Each task can have multiple sub-tasks, with their own tasks. There is also a system for making your tasks public.
D. Stats
: 13
Has In-House Auth
Time taken
: 1 month
Giving Love to Your Spotify Playlists
AI Game to Guess Fake or Real Words
Custom Emojis for Discord, for Free.
Discover. Explore. Stay Informed.
Savor. Create. Inspire.
An App to Manage Your Tasks
Committed and dedicated team member. In the short time he has been with our team, he has consistently exceeded our expectations by developing unique and customized enhancements.
CEO of Revivenode
Arinji works hard and gets the job done on time, I initially had him join to fix up a site, he encouraged me to redesign and recode, he’s done all of that in a month.
CEO of
Arinji was an absolute pleasure to work with. exceeded my expectations and very easy going.
Owner of Vanilla Earth